Metro Afscme Contract

The Metro AFSCME Contract: A Comprehensive Guide

The Metro AFSCME contract is an agreement between Metro, the transit agency serving the Portland, Oregon metropolitan area, and AFSCME Local 757, the union representing approximately 2,000 Metro employees. The contract dictates the terms of employment for these workers, including wages, benefits, and working conditions.

Negotiations for the current contract began in 2018 and lasted more than a year before the two sides reached a tentative agreement in December 2019. The contract was ratified by union members in January 2020 and went into effect in July of that year, running through June 2022.

One of the key provisions of the contract is a wage increase for Metro employees. The contract provides for a 2.5% increase in wages in the first year, followed by a 2% increase in each of the following two years. In addition, employees will receive a one-time bonus of $1,000 upon ratification of the contract.

The contract also includes improvements to employees` health care benefits. The agreement increases the employer`s contribution to employees` health insurance premiums, with the goal of ensuring that employees don`t have to pay any additional costs for their health care. It also establishes a new mental health benefit, providing access to counseling and other services for employees and their families.

Other notable provisions of the contract include enhancements to retirement benefits, improved paid time off policies, and the establishment of a labor-management committee to address workplace issues.

Overall, the Metro AFSCME contract represents a significant victory for the union and its members, who had been working without a contract for more than a year before the agreement was reached. The contract provides for improvements to working conditions and compensation, ensuring that Metro can attract and retain talented workers who are dedicated to providing high-quality service to the people of Portland.

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